My Math Journey
After graduating high school in 2013, I went to Bergen Community College and took almost every class I needed—except…college algebra. Yep, I avoided it as long as I possibly could.
Growing up, I had some rough experiences with math classes and teachers that left me with serious math anxiety. Just seeing a word problem was enough to make me itchy (literally!).
Eventually, I worked up the courage to face my math nemesis, and to my surprise…I actually liked it? Even I was shocked. From there, I tackled Precalculus, Calculus 1, and Calculus 2, and somewhere along the way, I stopped panicking and started feeling confident.
With some encouragement from mentors, I declared a major in Applied Math—something I never thought I’d say—and now I’m set to graduate at the end of this year. Who knew I’d end up here, even considering grad school?
I don’t expect you to become a math geek like me, but if I can help you feel a little more comfortable with math and set you up for success in your major, I’ll consider that a win.
Random non-math facts about me:
I love rock climbing at Method Climbing Gym (just a short walk from campus).
I’m a registered EMT & CPR instructor.
I love meeting new people and am addicted to learning new things.
My personal motto is to give 100% of my effort in everything I do (corny, but true!).
I spent last year’s winter break taking care of water buffalo and working on a farm in Hawaii.